Pippa M. Simpson is a Professor of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin with an adjunct appointment in the Department of Biostatistics. Dr. Simpson is a Biostatistician at the MCW CTSI (Clinical Translational Science Institute). She is the Director of Quantitative Health Sciences, which is a pediatric biostatistical group that supports all research on the pediatric campus. Dr. Simpson is the co-PI of the Data Management Core for the MCW award site.
Through her over 20 years of experience doing research consulting, she has actively helped faculty and fellows learn to develop research proposals and worked with them in a mentorship role, as well as providing a consulting service. With her MSC in Computing Science, Dr. Simpson also provides data management help and has led data coordinating centers. She has extensive experience and publications (over 300) covering bench, animal clinical community and outcomes studies. She has collaborated and assisted in the design and analysis of studies in asthma and allergy, sickle cell disease, as well as other fields such as community interventions, pharmacogenetics, gene expression, genetics, cardiology, and gastroenterology.
Pippa Simpson
Co-Principal Investigator (Data Core), Steering Committee Member